
TED-style speeches were delivered to over 120 combined audience members at a student impact symposium in Yorba Linda as well as a lecture at the Hari Jyot College of Optometry in Gujarat, India.

The speeches focused on the connections between procrastination and mental health, utilizing the current academic literature and the knowledge from the Teen Mental Health First Aid Certification. Following each event, participants were interviewed on their own experiences and efforts to improve their mental health.

Contact ananyad@mindmattersblog.com to bring our speeches to your school or community!

Gujarat, India (1/1/24)

Yorba Linda (9/30/23)

Audience Reflections

“Before, I didn’t really understand the connection between procrastination and mental health. Now, I have an idea of why I’ve been procrastinating so much.”

“I think spreading awareness about mental health is important because it can help reduce stigma and make people feel more comfortable about sharing their struggles.”

“Very inspiring and informative speech. I can’t wait to hear more content related to productivity and procrastination!”

Media Literacy Workshops

We hosted a series of online workshops with the Young Women’s Group focused on media literacy and mindful social media use! Participants learned how to engage with digital content and promote mental well-being through more intentional social media engagement.


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